Under the government of Mr. Trump, the number of anti-Muslims assaults in the U.S. was the highest registered since 2001. In a study based on FBI’s recently released crime data, the Pew Research Center shows that the index of 2016 surpassed the peak verified in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks. In 2001, FBI registered 93 assaults against Muslims in the country. In 2016, the number rose to 127. Overall, different types of hate crimes against Muslims have become more common in America:
According to the FBI, anti-Muslim hate crimes registered in the last quarter of 2016 were 25.9% bigger than that of 2015’s.
In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center had predicted this trend in a study addressing anti-Muslim hate acts in the ten days after Trump’s election. According to the document, many harassers invoked the name of Donald Trump during the assault. Regarding the data released by the FBI, the SPL stated the president of the United States is facing several lawsuits due to his polemic electoral speeches — whose subjects often included immigrants and terrorism.
Besides analysing FBI´s data, the Pew Research Center also conducted a survey early this year with Muslims who live in the U.S. Half of the respondents said it has become harder to be a Muslim in the country. According to them, Muslims have been frequently characterized as terrorists by the criminals and women who use hijab have been targeted by them as well.
Despite the rise on hate crimes, the majority of Muslims who answered the survey´s questions declared they are proud of being Muslims and Americans. Six out of ten Muslims who live in the U.S. believe they have many things in common with the American citizens who are not Muslims.
The Pew Research Center estimates 3.45 million Muslims currently live in the United States. A number that represents 1,1% of the U.S. population.
by Rodrigo Gonçalves (UFRJ)
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