By the end of 2016, the number of right-wing extremist sympathizers reached 23.100. In the previous year, it was 22.600. Among the sympathizers, there are Neo-Nazis, which represent one-quarter of all right-wing extremists. Despite all the trauma caused by Nazism, there are still 5.800 people in Germany that preaches the purity of race.
The number of violent offences motivated by right-wing extremism also rose: in 2016, the government registered 1.600; in 2015, it registered 1.408. The number of violent incidents oriented by right-wing extremists also went up from 11.800 to 12.100 – something that represents a real threat to society, especially regarding refugees. 907 offences motivated by right-wing extremists reached asylum seekers facilities.
According to the report, the right-wing extremist violence is characterized by two aspect:
- The willingness to use violence against foreigners has become more and more common in Germany
- Right-wring extremists have also targeted local decision-makers and other government authorities that have any connection with asylum seekers in Germany. Usually, the extremists insult and threat them, damage their property or even attack them physically.
The 2016 Report on the Protection of Constitution also sheds light on the Islamophobia that has increased in Germany as right-wing extremists have used recent attacks to associate terrorism with the religion of Islam. Despite the actual increase in all number related to right-wing extremist violence, the report warns that more right-wing terrorist structures might emerge in the future.
The full report can be accessed here: https://www.verfassungsschutz.de/en/public-relations/publications/annual-reports/annual-report-2016-summary