Tuesday´s Children
Tuesday´s Children was created in the United States shortly after the attacks on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 that killed nearly 3.000 people. At first, the organization’s goal was to provide trauma and grief support to the 9/11 victims, but as terrorism has become a major threat to the whole society, it now serves families and communities around the world that are impacted by terrorism and traumatic loss.
The work developed by Tuesday’s Children’s begins when the emergency response ends, delivering long-term healing and impactful programs to children and families recovering from incidents of terrorism and traumatic loss. The organization provides programs focused on youth mentoring, mental health services, skills-building workshops, career resources, parenting advisement, youth leadership development, community and family engagement events, and volunteerism opportunities.
In 2008, the organization launched Project COMMON BOND, a program that has served more than 550 teenagers and young adults from more than 25 countries and territories. Project COMMON BOND is a peacebuilding program that brings together young adults, ages 15-21, from around the world who share a ‘common bond’—the loss of a family member related to terrorism, violent extremism, conflict or US military service. This program empowers young adults impacted by traumatic loss to transform their common experiences into positive action in their lives and communities. Project COMMON BOND is building a global network of peacebuilders who are striving towards peace, positivity and empowerment.
Learn more about Tuesday’s Children here:
10 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 1007
New York, NY 10020
(212) 332-2980 or (516) 562-9000