South America


Volunteers – UFRJ


Knowledge Pills

A group of students is producing content to deconstruct myths used by extremist groups to stigmatize minorities and polarize society. Our knowledge pills will be available on Telegram.

Estimated launching date: July / 2021.

Supervision: Rebecca H. / Pedro E.


Academic magazine: DEMOS

In line with our goal to cultivate critical thinking among youth concerning topics related to hate speech, extremism, and digital media, we will start producing an annual academic magazine that will gather contributions from undergraduate students enrolled in different courses.

Estimated launching date: February / 2022.

Supervision: Pedro E.


From student to student: sharing skills to challenge hate speech (Programa De aluno para aluno: compartilhando talentos para combater o discurso de ódio)

Volunteer students from different backgrounds facilitate workshops in high schools to raise awareness on the responsible use of digital media. Through our workshops, teenagers learn how to identify hate speech on social media networks and tackle it.

If you are interested in booking a workshop (it is free!), please contact us via email ([email protected])

Supervision: Vanessa


Volunteers – different universities


Hate Map of Brazil (Mapa do ódio 2020)

Media students from different Brazilian universities collect official data on hate crimes recorded in Brazil and produce the report Hate Map of Brazil, which is arriving at its 3rd edition.

Launch date: December/2021.

Supervision: Pedro T. and Rebecca H.



Argentina, Mexico, and Colombia

Hate Map of Latin America

Media students from different universities are mapping existing statutes to combat hate crimes in Latin American Spanish-speaking countries.

Estimated launching date: December / 2021.

Supervision: James Gatica.