Created two years after the bombing attack perpetrated by IRA (the Irish Republican Army) in a shopping street of Warrington, PEACE FOUNDATION has diversified its programmes to promote peace among youth.


The organization was founded by Colin and Wendy Perry who lost their 12-year-old son in the 1993’s bombing. Since 1995, they opened the Peace Centre (a building with multi-purpose facilities to be used to promote peace) and started investing in education as an important ally against extremism.


In their website, you can find different programs addressed to youth from a wide range of ages. Especially regarding extremism, PEACE FOUNDATION has been cultivating critical thinking through the project EXTREME DIALOGUE developed in partnership with the global counter-extremism organisation the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), and filmmakers Duckrabbit.


Gender equality is also one of the main concerns of the organization and in this sense they set up the project WOMEN FOR PEACE, which encourages women to take action in conflicts prevention.



