Generations for Peace

Generations For Peace (GFP) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2007 by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein. It first started out as a peace-through-sport initiative, using sport to attract youth to the cause, but with time, GFP also introduced arts, advocacy dialogue and empowerment as tools for peace building.


According to Prince Feisal Al Hussein, GFP was inspired by two beliefs: “…that we will fail to build a more peaceful world for the next generation if our current young generation is not directly engaged with and provided ability to influence the future of their communities; and that we need simple tools for engagement that are accessible to entire communities in order to do so.”


As Generations for Peace developed these simple tools, it started using the innovative cascade model to reach and train volunteers across the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Through this approach, the organisation aims to equip even more youth with the relevant skills and knowledge required to transform conflict and reduce violence in their local communities.


Generations for Peace employs a strict selection process when recruiting new volunteers. Anyone who wishes to join the organisation must be able to demonstrate strong leadership skills,  conflict sensitivity and the capacity to attract support, train and motivate others, among other criteria. GFP then trains selected volunteers in its world class curriculum which covers the following: theory of peace building and conflict transformation, facilitation skills to support various age groups, social mobilisation, programme design and monitoring/evaluation of impact and sustainability.


You can apply to become a volunteer here:


[email protected]
Al-Hussein Youth Sport City, P.O. Box 963772, Amman 11196, Jordan
Phone: +962 6 568 2954