Far-Right Groups

Although many countries don’t classify far-right groups as terrorist groups, some of them have recently started perpetrating attacks against minorities.

According to a recent report released by Hope not Hate, although membership to far-right groups has been decreasing in the UK, the threat of attacks perpetrated by them has evolved because nowadays these groups count on young people who operate online and have exchanged information and techniques with people from other countries.

The situation in the United States isn’t different. The Anti-Defamation League has pointed out an increase of 77% of white supremacist propaganda in universities, including anti-Islamic and anti-semitic fliers, stickers, posters, and banners.


Here are some of the groups that are active on the internet:

English Defence League: is a British group that has at least 150 members and has a Nationalist ideology that is anti-Islam and anti-immigration. It is active on Facebook and Twitter.


The United Klans of America: half a century ago, it was the largest Klan group in the US and it was involved in a number of murders and acts of violence. It collapsed in the 1980s but it seems to have resurrected through people who believe to belong to the Aryan race. It is just one type of the many Klan groups that remain somehow active in the US. They have recently changed their tactics, looking for ways to reach maximum publicity with a minimum number of members.


National Nationalist Movement (NSM): this group has around 350 members and it has reached its peak during the mid-2000s. It organizes public events and rallies around the United States.


For more information about white supremacist groups in the United States, access: https://www.adl.org/


In the United Kingdom, you find more information about it at: https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/